
Session: Fall 2024
Chapter:  Colorado Springs
Location:  Peak City Church
Time:  5:30pm - 7:30pm
Day:  Wednesday
Starts:  08/21
Ages:  13 - 18
Tuition:  $225.00
Open Spots:  1

** Registration ended August 27, 2024 at 11:00pm


Teen Improv: Creating Scenes
13-18 years
Teacher: Brenton Newell
The goal of this class is to strengthen foundational improv skills that turn a basic scene into an excellent one. In this course, we will review/introduce the foundational building blocks of an improv scene: Character, Objective, Relationship and Environment (CORE). But that’s not all! We’ll venture into “beyond-the-basics” techniques like conflict/conflict resolution, dialogue & narration, non-linear storytelling, chaos & grounding. Feeling intimidated? Don’t panic. Improv is mostly fun games and creativity, which we will be doing a lot in this class. So whether you want to learn how to tell a great story, make people laugh, or you just have an improv itch to scratch, this course is for you. What makes me most excited about this course is to provide a safe space for students to overcome that all-too-common fear of inhibition, and feel great doing it. Story-building is hard, especially with spotlights and microphones involved. With some fun, games and creativity, story-building through improv can develop not just skills in theatrical performance but steps toward overcoming inhibition. What I have in mind for a lesson plan is a track to get students from all backgrounds and experience (from total newbies to seasoned players) to extend beyond what’s the next level, and to reach a point of confidence in their improv skills.


Brenton Newell

Brenton has been involved in theater most all his life, and had the joy of performing with three of his six siblings in numerous productions through CYT Chicago. Doing theater is how he and his wife, Ashley, met, and they still regularly teach and perform together. Brenton graduated from Wheaton College in 2021 with his bachelor’s degree in Media Communication with a minor in music. Currently, Brenton is a full-time stewardship advisor and fund manager for eight actively traded Biblically Responsible Investment funds at HIS Envoys Group, LLC. His two favorite outlets of theater are musical theater and improv. From his first CYT improv class at 10 years old to improvapalooza/improvathon with CYT Chicago, he never gets bored watching or performing improv; who could get bored doing something totally new and unexpected with every new scene? Improv is not only accessible, fun and a highly creative, but it is an excellent way to exercise skills in theater that cannot be exercised with a scripted performance. Every student brings skills and strengths to the table, and Brenton is eager to coach and encourage these skills and strengths to be exercised in a classroom setting.


1710 Dublin Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918